When a boy I know walked in to take the PSAT today, I immediately called the ISS department because I know this young man has test modifications on his IEP and I knew that he would not get them in the room I was proctoring in. Imagine my surprise when I heard, "Oh, none of our kids applied for modifications this year. They are all taking the exam like everyone else."
I asked an ISS teacher and she told me it is the job of the parent to request modifications. Someone in that department sent out letters, informing parents of their rights, but there was no follow through. The students were denied something that could have helped them.
Someone missed the boat on this one and once again, children are being left behind.
If it's part of the IEP, the parents are not involved in giving permission. However, parents of children that do not have disabilities have gotten waivers through their doctors--especially in time for the SATs.
Parents must request waivers for SATs, And, it should be the school's responsibilty to notify the parents. Extended time on SATs is not automatic.
Make sure parent knows for SAT; PSAT is for practice for 99.9 % of testtakers anyway.
Not my issue--someone in the ISS department gets 40 hrs per session for this and then there is the ISS AP--they have to do something. I'm only pointing out the problem.
Push push push the college route while the corporate cubicle crowd and the educational bureaucracies and bureaucrats turn their wimpy cumulative noses up at the mere thought or mention of a ruff gruff sweaty stinky blue-collar sub-human in a trade that may actually result in a higher income than the college grad.
Also, the majority of self-made millionaires in the USA achieve their wealth via self-employment with many of those using the trades route such as plumbing, home repair, heating A/C, etc.
Why would a "special needs" kid be shoved towards college?
The lad or lassie would likely have better luck in the trades and perhaps turn out wealthier than his non-special needs cohorts?
Time for a re-making of the educational systems.
Just because a child has an IEP does not mean they should not go to college. I had a hearing impaired student who graduated colleg with a major in Computer Science and went on for an MBA. Another one of my IEPs went t=on to be a success at NYU. College is not for everyone, I agree, but you cannot deprive a child of the opportunity because of some little disability that can easily be dealt with. ISS does not mean lack of intelligence and some of these kids might be more capable than you and me.
Years ago I had a student who used every second of her double extended time as stated on her IEP. She had a lot of learning issues. To compensate, Natalie learned to work hard and focus on a task. She went to a local 2 year CUNY community college where she took a number of first remedial and then associate degree level courses. Natalie never graduated with her associate degree, but she did attain a certificate to be an assistant teacher for pre-K and early childhood classes. I know Natalie will be a great benefit to those classes; she baby sat for my son for a few years, and he looked forward to and loved when she came to the house. She was energetic, attentive, creative, and responsible and would be an asset to any classroom she was in.
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