At the risk of sounding like every other ranting high school teacher, I too am ranting about today's
PSAT. Teacher schedules have been adjusted to allow for proctoring and then teaching. Many of us (including me) have been given assignments that mean we will put in an eight hour day. Complaints go answered except for "don't worry, we will pay you for a coverage." Coverages are one period long. Proctoring is 1.5 hours. Also, work outside a regular day should be voluntary, not mandatory. Yes, we could all grieve but the grievance would not be heard until after the deed has been done. My solution to this problem is to take the day off. Classes only meet for 30 minutes. I only have two meeting today so my kids will not miss me at all.
Today's schedule is bad. Certain attitudes leading up to the
PSAT make things worse. A few of the English teachers decided to devote 10 minutes a day to
PSAT practice. That is fine. It is their classes, their decisions. Besides, they can afford the time. Their
curriculum's have
flexibility. The math curriculum has no such flexibility. While some of the
PSAT material is course appropriate (and I did go over those type of questions), 10 minutes is not enough time to make any real difference to the kids. One of the English teachers told her classes to tell their math teacher to do the math sections with them. This was not appropriate. I told my kids that their English teacher should worry about what she is going to teach and leave the math curriculum to the math teachers. Of course, the kids went and told her something slightly different (which she did not like.) Of course, she totally believed the kids. Of course she took issue with me. Oh well, just another person that won't be coming to my retirement party....Oh wait, I am not going to have one. I am going to disappear quietly into the night.