Gimpel Tam--delightful play at the JCC on 76th and Amsterdam. The play is in Yiddish with Russian and English supertitles. Fantastic.
Hi,I looked at the website of the guy who sent me this, and it looks legitimate. I'm not sure I want to start with any advertising. After all, this is my blog, and my issues, but it was nice to know people actually read this stuff. I even added the counter on the side to keep stroking my ego.
Who is the contact for discussing advertising on your blog Pissed Off? We have received 5 requests this week for advertising on Pissed Off, and the page has been viewed 64 times.
First seen on tamareden.wordpress.com
It needs to be shared. The message is one we all need to embrace.
How can I be "human" when I am being treated inhumanly?How can I show compassion when I am treated with contempt?It seems to me that by introducing this "corporate model" of and increasingly privatized public school system "humanity" is not a factor.You should've have seen with the reverence and fetish ardour Klein and Liebman spoke about the ARIS system that will tell you everything" about your charges in front of you, at this past week PEP meeting at Tweed. They even produced a young corporate type newbie Math teacher who lovingly talked about how ARIS is helping his students. The newbie "talks" to ARIS on his laptop from home. I am sure he does not talk to his colleagues but he talks to the 81 million computer system! Remember HAL from 2001: A Space Odyssey?"I have seen the future and it does not work." Zardoz (1973)
Would you accept Billy telling you he couldn't do his homework because he was busy? I'm guessing the answer to that is no!
Would you accept an excuse like that from a teacher who was not prepared for his class? I'm guessing the answer to that is no also.
So, why do you think it is alright for you to be busy? Are you the only one busy? Is your time more valuable than every other person's time?
Administrator Y, you took a job that required lots of work. You had to know that before you took the job. Did you want the perks without the responsibility? Were you just tired of being in the classroom? Do you like the prestige of having an office and a title?
woah ms are you serious!!! wow i never ever got that hight grade in mathbefore!!! wow YOUR THE BEST TEACHER EVER!!! thanks