I don't really get the whole purpose of Facebook. If someone is my friend, I talk to them in person, on the phone, with instant messages and with e-mail. I never understood the need to talk openly on some wall. But, I did break down and put up a page. A few of my high school buddies convinced me that it would be a way for some of my friends from way back then to find me. I'm not sure I want to be found, but I let them talk me into starting one. There is no connection to POd on it but don't worry, you aren't missing anything. The only thing there so far are a couple of miscellaneous pictures with no people included. I did look for some old friends once or twice but never bothered to contact them. And, the few that contacted me, are listed as friends but we aren't keeping up either.
I thought I was young in spirit but I'm not young enough to get with this new way of keeping in touch. I don't care who ate broccoli for dinner and how many minutes someone spent in the bathroom. I'm just not cool enough to get it.
(Pictures from the Vortex Bar, Atlanta Georgia--Too old for Facebook but not too old for a beer in a fun place like this.)
My cousins, sister, and I keep in touch via face book. Previously we used photo sites, e-mails, blogs, to keep up with each other. We are spread across 3 continents and about 6 countries.
With Facebook, we can put it in one place. We have group conversations about public things and use private messages for none public things.
The cousins by the way cover 3 generations with a 4th rapidly coming up. We have adapted as a family to new tech.
It used to be handwritten letters. Then it was letters + Long Distance phone calls on big days. Then it was letters and long distance phone calls a couple times a month. Next letters were replaced by e-mails. Now we facebook and Skype.
My 5 yo niece refers to her cousins that live in the computer - just like Sis and I used to talk about our cousins that live in the sky at about the same age.
People would ask Dad why we didn't just drive to PEI, Canada. He would say that is impossible you have to fly up to the island. Meaning - he didn't want to wait days for the ferry or deal with sis and I in the back seat for that long.
Sis and I in that little kid logic thought it meant that Canada was literally above the US and you had to fly up like taking an elevator. We knew the world was a globe we just had a vision of layers floating above each other.
I completely agree with you! I've had a number of requests to join Facebook. I've ignored all of them. Like you, I don't care what someone ate or how much s/he now weighs.
Some people have a reason for it and yours makes sense. Most of the junk I've seen seems useless. I wish I had a big family to keep in touch with.
Facebook is for the things you want to broadcast, rather than for private conversations (though you can do that as well). I use it to share photos and interesting articles I find with lots of my friends, and also give people who care a brief update on my life, without having to contact them all individually. It works for me, and helps me keep in touch with some friends who prefer sharing that way to other modalities.
Maybe my problem is lack of friends. It is just the stuff I've read is so meaningless.
Nah it's not you....it's a new age...although I'm on Facebook I don't get the high disclosure levels that some people exhibit on Facebook. Some discussions or remarks should be limited to the dinner table with your family, not shared with the entire world on Facebook. I may post a favorite musician's work on FB or a quote that appealed to me. I'm very private, so most of my life is not on Facebook. It's a very digital age "social networking" tool. It's a great way for families to keep in touch as well.
This comment is not about Facebook. I am not writing it because i want you to post it either. I'm just sorry to hear that you won't be speaking openly about your work anymore. As a parent, your blog has helped me and my son, who truly enjoys your blog, to get a more balanced view. Parents have gripes about education, kids have gripes, and so do teachers. Most of the time, though we sit on opposite sides of the desk, they seem to be identical. Thank you.
I don't have a Facebook account and really don't want one. The other day I got an invitation from a friend who lives six states away. At the bottom of the invitation there was listed other people that it said I knew on Facebook. Listed were my nephew (brother's son), my greatniece (first husband's family), and step daughter. None of these people know each other.
Apparently they connected them to me through my email address in their email programs. When I talked to my nephew about this he emailed me this link about Facebook and its privacy settings.
I'll still be writing here. I just won't post the crap that goes on in my school here. That, will have to be on the closed one.
Send me the closed one through Norman S. He should have contacted you re me.
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