The teacher was taken aback to see me. He didn't want anyone to know what he was doing. He swore me to secrecy, as if his actions were criminal. I will keep his secret and not share his identity or even the subject he teaches. But, I have to share his actions. Here is a person who cares. Here is a person whose value is more than a some data on a sheet of paper. Here is a teacher of real value.
There are many teachers of "real value", not just the ones willing to give up part of their vacations.
Totally agree with that. T(his was just an example of one under appreciated, under valued teacher.
So sad that we have to be afraid to offer acts of caring when those acts are outside the parameters of what the DOE says you can do.
So sad that we have to be afraid to go above and beyond, because the DOE can punish you for actions like this! This profession is not what it used to be, teachers like the one described here used to be appreciated. Now they have to leave in fear of things like charges, and misconduct. Most of which are not brought up by children but rather by Leadership Academy drones, who are trained to instill fear in the hearts of good, decent, caring teachers!
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