Just did my school survey. The money spent on this could have provided my students with the double period math they so desperately needed. It could have provided for smaller classes. It could have provided more tutoring. (Title I tutoring is not for everyone.) It could have provided for more deans.
This money could have been used to plug the gap in the budget.
This is the fifth year of the study, the fifth year money has been tossed down the drain. In five years nothing this survey has shown has improved schools.
and the reason why they need to lay off 6,000 teachers...they need the money for teachers salaries for this stupid survey waste of time that accomplishes nothing...
the sole purpose of this survey is to say the DOE "listens" to its communities. We know the real truth!
If the DOE is really listening to its communities, then they will not 'want' to lay off 6,000 teachers, co-locate public schools with charters and close failing schools that they failed themselves.
This is such a scam....KPMG got this contract for these unbelievably invalid "surveys", another fake construct giving KPMG however many millions to waste more $$$$$ on non instructional bullcrap. Meanwhile, back at the ranch, the ranch hands are filling out these surveys and the trail bosses are "looking them over" for "inaccuracies".
If you are talking about the Learning Environment Survey, parents trying to decide which schools to apply for, do read these reports. Though not necessarily completely accurate, the survey results allow them to get a glimpse of the school's culture. And frankly, when you can only see a school at a single open house, if you are given that much, there is a great deal that parents are hungry to know.
Leave it to the DOE to release just enough information to frustrate, and never enough to actually inform.
And many of us 'RHEEM' them by cheating on the surveys. Everthing is beautiful in my particular dilapidated DOE school, and we survive another year (sigh).
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