The Military Ball is a big event and it is an honor to be invited. Even my husband, who hates coming to school functions is disappointed when we don't get invited. He doesn't even mind putting on a suit and tie for this fantastic event. I couldn't believe my ears when Mr. A told the girl in charge of invitations he wasn't going to attend because he didn't want to get dressed up. Imagine, turning down this honor because you don't want to put on a tie and a clean shirt! I couldn't believe he didn't even have the courtesy of saying he had a previous engagement or he couldn't find a babysitter. I hope the JROTC remembers this answer and gives this coveted invitation to someone else, someone who will appreciate it.
Personally, I'm thinking of giving up shoes. If people won't accept me the way I am, the hell with them.
However, I may have made an exception had I received one of these coveted invites. Do you think they excluded me just because of my no-shoes stance? That's discrimination, ya know.
Na, you just don't know the kids in charge. All the big wigs are in my classes.
It's not what ya know, it's who ya know. Just one more reason to give up shoes for good.
This guy is such a rude jerk!! He could have been more gracious but obviously doesn't know how. So low class......
What an assbag.
Chi Town - you never miss an opportunity to not mince on words- love it!
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