Friday, January 16, 2009

It Feels So Good Now That The Boil On Your Butt Is Gone

Most people were so used to the pain they did not even feel it. Now everyone feels relief.

The music has stopped.
The brain teasers have stopped.
The announcements have stopped.

Life is good without Suit around!


Kim Hughey said...

You mean you can actually do what you are there to do. . . learn? LOL. I'm happy for you but miss the suit stories.

Anonymous said...

It is called addition by subtraction.

Anonymous said...

Because brainteasers which break up the monotony of the school day and reinforce knowledge of what's going on in the world, and also make kids proud about solving them and getting a special pen is such a bad thing.....

Pissedoffteacher said...

Kids told me they loved the brain teasers because they wasted 10 minutes of class time.