Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Good Advice

People who run the schools ought to follow this advice.
Thanks to Diane for sharing this.


Angrier Nog said...

I have looked over the past 16 years for a leader in my school. All I have witnessed were follower-types pretending to be head honcho. They are great at intimidation, teacher ambush, and the annihilation of teacher morale. Unless you are "in the loop" you are prey for sociopathic principals. It is mind-boggling that the more teachers care for children, the more they are alienated. Good teachers, both old and new are leaving this profession in droves. Do you blame them? I work for a principal that focuses on tribute...her own. Breathe the wrong way and you are targeted for the exit door. The stalking they do is pathetic.

Anonymous said...

I USED to have an AP like this....we all learned from her actions now we can learn how to bark and squeal or if you prefer learn how to cheat on your numbers and kick kids to the curb!