Sunday, December 09, 2012

Doesn't Deserve Any Help


College classes end this week.  Classes are scheduled to meet Friday and Saturday to make up days lost to Sandy. The final exam is Monday and I haven't finished the curriculum.  I also want to review.  One of my classes meets from 3 to 5 which I know is a problem for one of my students who is an orthodox Jew.   

I came up with an alternative plan for this student.  I figured he could attend another teacher's class on a day that didn't interfere with his sabbath.  I asked him weeks ago for his schedule so I could find classes that worked.  He didn't respond.  I reminded him.  Again, I got nothing.  He missed classes last week.  He has not handed in a homework and he is repeating the class.  In fact, it is the only class he needs to graduate.

His test grades are passing but I have no problem not passing him.  And, he better not use religion as an excuse.  He had the opportunity to do something and blew it.

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