Sunday, July 08, 2007

A Message to New Teachers

Superfly wants to be a good teacher. She wants to make a difference. Reading her blog makes me think she already is a good teacher and is already making a difference. She doesn't know how much of a difference she is making yet because she is young and has not been teaching for long. She can only feel her frustrations and her days of difficulty, when she feels no one is listening, no one is learning everything. I know her pains, because I used to feel that way. I still feel that way. I wanted to save the world. I still want to save the world. I wanted to be the one that could reach the unreachable kid. I still want to do that. Every kid who failed made me feel like a personal failure and still makes me feel that way.

We had a Principal years ago who said "You can't save the world. Just do the best you can and save the ones you can save." I didn't like this guy but his advice was right on target. Every term I adopt a few students. Usually these are kids that aren't even in my class. I run into them in the halls, library, often times when they are thrown out of another class. I work with these kids, take an interest in them, let them know that I care. It doesn't always work, but it usually does. Imagine a kids face when you see him cutting and can tell him the class that he should be in! They like to know that "Big Brother" is watching even when they don't want to be watched.

I really wish I could take this advice and not worry when I don't save the world, but I can't help it when I don't. I had a really sweet girl in my ninth period class last term. She passed every class except math. I just didn't have the time or the energy to keep after her. I told her that I felt like a failure because she failed. She, of course, took full responsibility. I told her not to feel bad. She could take the course again next year and I would help her all I could. I told her a person's worth was not measured by their math ability. I told her she was smart and she would do it next year. She smiled. She hugged me and thanked me. She told me I did more for her with those words than any teacher had done for her. Superfly, I think you are doing this kind of thing every day. Unfortunately, you won't be able to see the results for many years to come. You will see them eventually. Know you are touching kids and doing great things for them right now.


Mighty Mojo said...

Thank you.

I feel as though you over estimate me, but I am trying and hopefully I'll be able to live up to your words eventually.

Pissedoffteacher said...

You underestimate yourself. I think that being a good teacher is 95% desire to be one.

Anonymous said...

She already is a great person...and educator

Pissedoffteacher said...

That is the feeling I have about her from her writings.

Mighty Mojo said...

I hope you all are right......