Thursday, June 26, 2008

Cause For Celebration

I won the pool. Students only need 30 out of 89 points to pass the new Integrated Algebra regents.

Good to know the state has raised standards.


17 (really 15) more years said...

Congratulations! I gloated at work today, stating, "my buddy PO'd said that the passing score was going to be very very low". The math teacher was pissed because she is a legend in her own mind.

Also, congratulations on another year over. Let's meet for a drink one night soon.

Pissedoffteacher said...

Sounds great--I sent you an e-mail.

Anonymous said...

You also win my respect for your ability to call the shots...... I think 17/15 had a good idea,speaking of shots.

Profesora de espaƱol said...

34%?!? (Yea, I had to get a calculator to do that because rounding 89 up to 90 and then realizing 30 was 1/3 of 90 is something that I obviously wouldn't need to know to pass the regents.) That's ridiculous.

Anonymous said...

WOW. The passing level for most TAKS test (elementary level not sure about secondary) is usually around 67%. The 5th grade science test is an exception the passing level is usually around 80%.