Saturday, September 05, 2009

Data Stress

The more I look at data, the less I like it. I just noticed an ME 41 T class on my program and this has me quite nervous. If my calculus class is still a 7/8 split, it gives me six classes, which can't possibly be correct. If calculus is a single period, I have to revamp the way I teach. The school tried this once before and the grades plummeted. These kids, while good, are not natural math students and need the extra period.

The T means team teaching, something I only did once and dread doing again. Years ago, I team taught with one of my closest friends and it was a nightmare. He was going through some personal issues and I ended up doing all the work. Team teaching now means having a special education teacher with me. I'm nervous about two adults in one room. I tend to do a lot of talking and can't see how this person will help. And, if I end up with a teacher who does not know the math, I will freak. My job is to teach the kids, not the teacher.

In an e-mail, Mr. AP just confirmed my fears--it is a team teaching class with a special ed teacher. Calculus is still the 7/8 split.

Why, did I have to look? Damn you ARIS!


12 more years said...

I got stuck with 2 team teaching classes this year - a person I will call "Mr. Personality" for lack of a better name. I am used to doing things my way, and don't particularly relish the idea of another person in the room.

On a happier note, at least if I need an emergency bathroom run, I'll be able to do so :]
(I'm try to find some good in every situation).

Now- for the rest of the weekend-
step away from ARIS!

Ricochet said...

In an ideal situation, it is another set of eyes, a potty break, another set of hands, and someone who will keep out of your way. Worst case, it is an impediment, someone who thinks they have the authority to muck up your life or question your work.

I've had both.

I wish you the first. In the second - just start counting the days til the end of school and keep repeating "I'm teflon."

mathman42 said...

I've done it a few times; always a challenge. You must communicate and agree with the other teacher on who does what and when. As you probably know, the idea is that the kids should feel comfortable working with either of you but of course they will have their preferences as they too are ( usually ) human.

You sure have a variety of classes !

I have team teaching again and can see problems already. I have various incarnations or should I say incarcerations of Integrated Algebra.