Saturday, January 27, 2007

Left Triangles

I was helping a student study for the Math A regents and we were going over right triangles. I drew this picture on the board. The boy said "Why did you draw that? I thought the problem was about a right triangle? I answered "So, look at the picture!" and he responded with "but you drew a left triangle". The boy was dead serious. It took me a few minutes to realize that he wasn't kidding. I spent another few minutes explaining that a right triangle was a right triangle, no matter which way it faced and then we went over the definition and properties of a right triangle.

Footnote: This boy scored a 77 on the regents. Just goes to show the low level of competence needed to pass.


CaliforniaTeacherGuy said...

This story could be titled, "When Left Is Right." Right?

Anonymous said...

Given the trouble some kids have identifying the side opposite a given angle, I am not at all surprised.

Nic said...

Oh. My. GOD. *weeps*