Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Another Memo

If you had very high failure rate during the second marking period, you should make an effort to briefly visit your colleagues who are teaching the same course and see what they are doing.....In almost all cases it is the level of expectations.

I am one of those teachers that had a high failure rate in one of my M&C classes. The other class had a very low failure rate. Maybe I should go visit myself to see how my expectations vary from period 8 to period 9.

Many of us are aware of the fact that seniors in most required courses do not do as well as sophomores or juniors. What are YOU doing about it since you already know it?! Have you spoken to their parents? Have you made sure they attend tutoring? Or have you done nothing besides conplain?

I don't think my AP wants to address the fact that there are serious reasons why seniors are still taking required classes. I, for one think, complaining is the best way to handle the problem. I can't force them to go to tutoring,and unfortunately most of their parents can't force them either.

I know most of these memos are not directed at me, but I find them insulting anyways. Why is everything the teacher's fault???


NYC Educator said...

I also wonder about that. If I pass 8o something % of one class and only 50 something of another, does the second class have an inferior instructor?

Or could it be that the second section is full and the first is small? Or could it be that it's such a small sample statistical analysis couldn't apply.

In any case, Deputy Chancellor Alonso says the only variable is the teacher, so it must be so.

Anonymous said...

I think maybe someone in the Kleinbloomgarten administration should have asked Alonso if he knew the definition of the word "variable".