Friday, January 31, 2014

When Exams Are Administered Honestly

What happens when the school is being watched and the AP cannot assign proctors who will give out answers while reading exams?  What happens when the marking is done on a honest system?  Students get the grade they earned. Many fail. In fact, almost none pass. The poor AP will not do well on annual progress reports and might actually be held accountable for the immorality of the past.

One can only hope.  Too bad the real losers in all of this are the students.  They've always been given the answers so passing was guaranteed.  I hope the shock was not too much for their systems.


ChiTown Girl said...

Don't you just LOVE when this happens? ;-)

saddleshoe said...

The larger problem we face, as you know, is that confronting the actual needs of the student body will cost a lot of time and money. More time than money, I think, when you come down to it. I've found that students and teachers want to see learning happen and will put in the extra hours. Paying for extra hours is less costly than people think - much less than the costs of all the consultants and new exams and new textbooks. Nobody makes any real money off of this -- when you work a lot of extra hours, you are exhausted, so you spend the extra cash on take out, cabs, etc. But everybody profits when the students become productive citizens. However, no one corporation makes more money than another. Perhaps we can argue that a lot of texbook companies would have to lay off workers. However, one can always update/add new materials online -- cheaper to produce and you just pay manpower hours. You can send out consultants to talk about more ways to use what we have. It's just not as fast a financial return.

If it cost nothing to educate our kids, what kind of system do you think we would create? Realistically, it doesn't cost us anything. Money is just a representation of relative worth. I thought that children were priceless....

Anonymous said...

Do not send me any consultants.

Anonymous said...

My school did have one miracle happen. A student who has consistently tested below 1st grade in reading (decoding and comprehension) was read an exam and apparently received extra help since this student received a grade above 65+!

Anonymous said...

Some of the staff suggested that he has been hiding his abilities for the past 3 years. Anything is possible I am learning!