Some weeks are better than others. This week was one of them. Although I hate to go out on work nights, Wednesday I made an exception to celebrate my birthday. We saw Xanadu and had dinner at a great Thai restaurant on Ninth Ave. Xanadu was fun, nothing great, not worth full price but we definitely got our TDF ticket price worth. The fire trucks outside the theater did lend the evening some extra excitement. The only downer for the evening was the subway ride home. The signals were not working and we kept getting stuck between stations. Luckily Xanadu was only 90 minutes so we still got home pretty early.
Friday night my group of six got together to celebrate my birthday at the Cheese Cake Factory. While I won't share our pictures, here is my cake.
Everyone needs a week like this once in a while.
Happy Birthday! Glad you enjoyed your very own special day.
Happy Birthday! Yea for not only having a good day, but a good week!
Parabens! With age comes wisdom no matter what these snot nosed adminstrators think you are priceless on that staff. The school will be poorer without once you leave. Those in the know know.
Happy Birthday! Glad you got out not only once, but twice to celebrate!
Happy Birthday! I'm glad to hear you had such a wonderful day!
If you haven't seen it yet, you MUST see August:Osage County. We loved it.
Many happy returns!
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