TDF has the Color Purple available. I've been wanting to see it for years. I couldn't understand how a story so sad could be made into a musical. It was absolutely fantastic--one of the best musicals I have ever seen. I recommend it to everyone.

Larry getting ready for his Saturday afternoon nap.

Husband's favorite dish--dumplings with meat sauce from our favorite, cheap Chinese place Mee's Too on 53rd and Ninth.

One of my favorite dishes--steamed vegetable dumplings (and yes, they are green.)

I keep trying to get a decent picture of this building. It looks so pretty all lit. So far, this is my best shot, but I will keep trying.

The walk and don't walk sign were lit together--very confusing.

And last, but not least, one of my AP calculus students working on her take-home test in the library. This kid loves math and was having fun doing the test. She is going to Queens College Time 2000 program to become a math teacher. The Math A book laying nearby is because she just finished tutoring a Math A student.
I'm glad you enjoyed it and did not let my opinion influence you. I agree that the music and songs were great, but I just couldn't get past the story.
I love all of your pictures! The green dumplings are probably de-lish, in spite of their green hue. We used to have a Chinese place that had the most wonderful dumplings with an even more wonderful dipping sauce.
Glad you liked the Color Purple. Wish I could have seen it in Chicago last summer, but we opted for Wicked instead. Twice!
Wicked was great. I want to see it again. but, I think this one ranked up there with it.
A kid having fun taking a test!!?! She's lucky to have you.
loving the dumplings. yuuuum.
The walk/don't walk combo lighting is all the new thing. It either means:
walk partway into traffic, and stop, or
take a step, stop and look, take another step... or
you're on your own, good luck, we have two little guys cheering for you.
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