Tuesday, April 02, 2013

Museum Recommendation

I'm not always a fan of modern art but the Guggenheim has some pretty interesting exhbits.  The Gutai wasn't one of them.  The plastic tubes, filled with water an ink, the ones in the advertisements were the best part.  I couldn't even bring myself to see the entire exhibit.  Walking past yellow fabric hanging on he wall was more than enough.  Still, I'm glad I went to see it.  I don't feel anyone has a right to dislike anything unless you give what you don't like a chance.

Now, the Museum of the City of New York is another story. 
The Currier and Ives exhibit was great.  They had some great stuff on display with all the prints.
I especially enjoyed the Making Room--small spaces in NYC, although I do not approve of the small apartments Bloomberg wants to build.  It was fascinating see all that could be done with a tiny area.  Of course, most people would still feel like a caged rat living in this environment.

And the exhibit of NYC protestors was also good. Bright colored buttons flashed on a big wall and there was one of my favorite attractions.
Don't forget the interesting artwork in the street.  I wonder where this big head came from?  It was just sitting in front of someone's  house, next to a garbage can.
Benefit of retirement is that I have time to do all this instead of preparing for back to work and for that nasty observation first thing in the morning.  I heard an AP say he couldn't wait to catch a teacher who he suspects will not have a lesson ready.  The teacher is an idiot for not being prepared but this guy was salivating at the thought of his after vacation gotcha.  As for me, I have a ticket to see Edie Falco in The Madrid.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you...I will definitely be checking this out...also since you keep on warning teachers to be on their game after vacation,
you may enjoy this link...
