Friday, May 08, 2009

Mother's Day

I try to just say thank you and same to you, but its hard, especially hard when someone asks how I will celebrate the day.

This will be my third Mother's Day without my mom. The first one occurred just six days after we buried her. Last year's was around her unveiling.

I'll start the day by taking my dad to the cemetery. I'm afraid for him to go alone. I think he is afraid to go alone too because he never goes unless I am with him. He'll lay flowers and a mothers day card on her grave and tell her how much we all miss her. He'll tell her how much my sister wishes she could be there as well, but the trip from Texas is a bit far. He'll cry and make me cry and then we'll leave and go get breakfast.

This year my dad agreed to come back to my house and spend the day with my family. I'm glad. I know he will still be sad but at least he won't be alone. At least he will have company and be surrounded by the people that love him.

Maybe the day won't be so bad. Hopefully no one will ask me how I spent my Mother's Day.

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