Tuesday, September 30, 2008

I'm Not Worried But Thanks For The Concern

I am not going to the rubber room. I am not being setup to go to the rubber room. I am not worried. Yesterday's class was just an awful reminder of what happens to my colleagues every day.

I'm lucky. I won't have any lasting problems because of that class. The worst thing will be a few nasty words from Mr. AP. I've decided to agree with everything he says and walk away. He hates when I do that. He loves an argument. He also hates winning in this manner. I've even rehearsed a scenario:

Mr. AP: Ms. POd, you are too nice. That class was walking all over you.

Ms. POd: You are correct.

Mr. AP: You have to change seats.

Ms. POd: I've done that twice. I will do it again.

Mr. AP: You have to call their parents.

Ms. POd: I have called some. I am teaching six classes and have a C-6 assignment. I try to squeeze in a few phone calls between periods.

Mr. AP: Please go watch Ms. Teenie Bopper. She has great control.

Ms. POd: I will be happy to do that only if I can do it during my C-6 assignment.

Mr. AP: This is a different world we are living in. If you don't improve I will be forced to put a letter in your file and give you a U rating.

Ms. POd: I understand. Do what you feel is correct.


17 (really 15) more years said...

We share the same philosophy- yes 'em to death, then do what you want. There is no sense in arguing with them.

JUSTICE not "just us" said...

Please forgive me for the langauge I am going to use as I have seen this before:

This mother f*&king punk of an AP is putting everything on you. He has not even suggested how he can work with you to make this class "functional". He shows absolutly no leadership skills as he blames you for all the problems
of the class. What's his job?
To blame his teachers for everything that goes wrong? He has a stellar future in the DOE going from school to school acting the manner he does. Hell, he may even get a cushy job at Tweed someday.

"Miss Teenie Bopper". At the risk of sounding vulgar, punk ass AP may just want to get into her pants by telling every one what a great teacher she is(in her early 20s) to every one who will listen. I had a similiar situation in my hell of a school where "a young blonde, blue eyed goddess of 22" from Texas was put on a pedestal only to tell a student journalist who was flirting with her that there was nothing wrong with underage drinking and it made the papers. She was sent across the street to an "A" school until the whole thing blew over and now she is back in my hell of a school as many of the APs, some of the male teachers and students are hoping to get into her tight pants.

Unbelievable you say! As unbelievable as your exchange with that clown of an AP. Let them send you to the rubber room. I envy you that you are on "F You time". They can not touch you. You are by far superior to those insects as I am and that is why they hate you. I will not spend time on my back or slither on my belly for any of these morons.

Hope I don't sound too angery and bitter! LOL

Anonymous said...

Are you effing kidding me???? What an a$$. When is this jerk leaving?

I love your tactic though...kill 'em with kindness. I also love how you snuck in a little sarcasm with your "only if I can observe during school hours!" (hence you would need someone to cover your classes)

What would've been really funny is if you had suggested that HE show you how to handle kids like the ones you are attempting to teach. I mean, he WAS a teacher at some point, no? (You know, kind of play the clueless teacher...)