Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Everything Remains The Same

Nothing changed. Nothing will ever change.

Today's memo features me again.  Here is a snippet.

If you have students arriving to your class late regularly and you have not started using the late log, please start using it after Thanksgiving. Once you have the late log, you can call the parents and let them know their child was late. It works very well with the majority of our students. I saw five students walking into their math class one after another for a 3rd period class after the late bell. And this was an upper level class with all seniors. I would hope everyone agrees that all students should be on time to their class and it is the teacher’s job to make sure the students get to class on time.

And then there is the group that was invited to Florida for the holiday, the ones who can do no wrong.  Nothing illegal but how about immoral?  Favoring one group of teachers over another is not very professional.


Anonymous said...

Maybe its time to start sketching some grapes now...

Anonymous said...

Actually, isn't it the students' job to be sure they get to class on time?

Anonymous said...

Disgusting!! Totally unprofessional behavior.