Saturday, September 26, 2009


Both sides have retreated for the weekend and as a result, war reporting will have to wait until Tuesday to resume.

So, loaded up on Mucinex and nasal spray, I hit the railroad to meet my daughter in Manhattan (she took the $1 bus in for the holiday) and we took a tour of the historic interior of the Plaza Hotel. Unfortunately, most of my pictures didn't come out because I accidentally hit a manual button on the camera and didn't realize why the pictures were so bad until hours later.

I usually take the subway, but its been a trying week so I took advantage of the weekend City Fare (only $1.25 more than the subway)

We found this great public bathroom on 35th and Broadway, right in the middle of the pedestrian plaza. I couldn't believe how clean it was.

Blue skies--and I love construction vehicles.

And my crappy Plaza pictures. I won't pay for the tour again (it was worth the $10 it cost) but I will go and retrace my steps with my camera next time I am in the area.

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