Friday, April 27, 2007

CSA Agreement

I am sure you have had by now that the CSA has reached an agreement with the DOE. The Principals are now held accountable for the performance of all students. That includes the bottom students. We will be judged heavily on how well we help the bottom students learn. It is time we all learn the best practices and help out all the students, particularly the bottom student.

I don't know why my AP thinks that we teachers will care anything about the CSA agreement or that Principals are now held accountable for the performance of all kids. Principals might be judged on the kids performances and this judgement could possibly lead to job termination or big bonuses. I fail to see how this judgement is going to affect me or any other teacher. I have tenure and so far my union has not given that away. I will not receive a bonus, no matter what my students do on standardized tests.

The teachers I know have always worked hard to get their low level kids to achieve. They care and do all they can to guarantee the kids success. They will continue to work, not so Principals can get more money, but so kids can go on to have good lives. There is a part of me that would like to stop working so hard. I resent the bonuses these administrators will be getting on my back, but I can't stop working. I like my kids too much. I want them to do well. I want them to be a success.

In the past, the lowest level classes were always given to the newest or the worst teachers. If a teacher was pregnant and the administration knew that the teacher was not going to finish out the year, that teacher got a low level class. If a subject had to be taught by an out of license teacher, that teacher too got the low level. Our neediest kids got the neediest teachers. The only benefit to the kids I can see with this new plan is that administrators might stop this program and start putting teachers in these classes that can make a difference.

1 comment:

IMC Guy said...

Boy, now that's a concept - principals being held accountable for the students!