Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Apologies For The Deleted Comment

I want to apologize to the anonymous commenter whose second comment I accidentally deleted. The first comment was deliberately deleted due to its nasty nature. Often, while commenting and writing on blogs, we hit the publish button too fast, before proofing what has been written. So commenter, please keep correcting but do it in a nicer way if you want to see your words published. This is my blog and I would rather see poor English than obnoxious words.


Mrs. Chili said...

I'm having a terrible time struggling with whether or not to delete obnoxious comments. It's against my nature to censor anyone's speech, but man, sometimes the trolls get a little out of hand....

Pissedoffteacher said...

I'm not having any trouble. I don't want to be abused and I will not let people who comment here be abused either.