While paying a shiva call today, my friend asked me how my AP kids did and I told her I didn't know as I had no access to their scores. She looked at me like I was nuts and said, "Of course you do. Just sign in on the audit page and they will come up. How could you not know? E-mails come from College Board all the time and you are always online." I couldn't believe I screwed up so bad and immediately went to her computer to sign in and check for myself. Well, I SCREWED UP! The scores were all there, plain as the nose on my face (which is very red at the moment.)
For the most part, my kids did as I expected. There were thirteen 5's, nineteen 4's, fourteen 3's, six 2's and seventeen 1's. Most of the scores were no surprise. The kids with senioritis, the ones I should have dropped but didn't, for the most part got the 1's. I'm not sorry I kept them. I know that what they did manage to learn will help them next year. And, quite a few of the ones I would have dropped managed to pull through with 3's and 4's. I was shocked to see a few of the ones who were doing really well had blown the test. Obviously, I am not a good predictor and will not consider a future career as a fortune teller.
Well, 67% is not a passing percentage to be proud of but I know did my best to get these kids through. I couldn't make them study and I couldn't get the ones who knew little English to understand some of the words. I could make a goal to raise the percentage for next year but I don't think I will. My only goal will be to keep teaching the course to the best of my ability, to continue to instill a love of math into my students and to get them to really start thinking, and using the wonderful brains they were born with.
SUPPORT PUBLIC SCHOOLS FB page has a few posts and even a song about the pitfalls of RTTT and NCLB. It's wrong to put so much emphasis on one test to prove you are a good teacher. Even the brightest of students clam up and 2nd guess their answers.
California just changed their standards and I just heard NY did the same. Bette Davis would say..."it's going to be a bumpy ride!"
I'm always impressed with your AP scores ... if/when I teach it again at my new school, I want to pick your brain on strategies. Congratulations!
Ms. Cookie
I don't know why you reported a percent. Your students took a test; you did not.
We have enough problems with the DoE trying to rate us using students' scores - let's not do it to ourselves.
Jonathan jd2718
My AP loves percentages. Doesn't matter whether I do them or he does them.
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