Thursday, April 24, 2008

Glad That's Done

Happiness is finally finishing this pile of calculus exams.
Larry is worn out. All this marking while on vacation did not agree with him. I hope he didn't make any mistakes.


Kelvin Oliver said...

Larry looks very tired. I was never a fan of math, but English is a different story. At least you got the exams graded! Red markings here and there and correcting the mistakes of minor or major errors.

NYC Educator said...

I always wondered who it was who marked all those math papers.

17 (really 15) more years said...

You're more ambitious than I am. My school bag is still sitting in the same place I put it down last Friday.

CaliforniaTeacherGuy said...

I'm sure your students would be surprised to know who's REALLY responsible for all the red marks on their papers.