Friday, November 23, 2007

Larry's Story

Don't get me wrong. I love these humans that took me in. I just miss my freedom. I was born free and I miss being able to roam around as I please. My mom was a slut who slept around and was always pregnant and she did desert me and my sister when we were babies. But, my mom lived free. She came and went as she pleased and her sweet nature always got her plenty of food. My mom found the humans who take care of us now. One day she wandered into the yard while the male human was eating pizza. She used her feminine charms to get him to share it with her and he did. She kept returning and soon brought me and my sister along. We were really little. I wasn't too coordinated and had a hard time jumping over the fence. The male human made some steps for me out of old bricks. Soon he started buying us real cat food. Then, mom left us. We still went to this man's house for food. The female was not too crazy about us, but she went along with the man. Soon it started to get cold. The man tricked us into going into his house. He never let us out again. He gave us plenty of food, comfortable places to sleep that were warm and dry and he kept the place we did our nasty business clean, but I missed the outdoors. He shoved us in a cage and brought us to some other human that sticks us with sharp things and even cut us. (Luckily this does not happen often.)

The female human pretends not to like me or my sister. But, she is the real softy. She is the one that lets us go outside to enjoy the air in the screened in room. Yesterday I broke free. It was exhilarating. I ran and ran. I visited with other cats. I shared the delicacies in a neighbor's food dish. I took a nap in the great outdoors. I know the human male was worried. I saw him running all over the neighborhood looking for me. I heard him calling my name. I even came into his yard and watched his frustration as he tried unsuccessfully to get me in. It rained while I was out but I found a good place for shelter and did not get wet. Finally, around midnight, I decided I had enough and came home. The humans were really happy to see me. They gave me lots of treats and cuddles. I'm going to try to get free again.


Anonymous said...

Bravo, Larry.

ms. whatsit said...

Sounds like a splendid day!

Pissedoffteacher said...

Too bad he will never repeat it.

Anonymous said...

Once an outsider, always an outsider. However, I adopted 2 black cats who were also outsiders, but after being snipped, vaccinated, and introduced to their new brother and sister, they have never tried to get outside again. They are NOT allowed out anyway, but they seem to be content to sleep, eat, and play indoors where they have it good!!! It's strange that some kitties adjust well, and others are never happy unless they have freedom to roam. I hope your guys learn to stay in, and not venture out into hostile waters--i know I would rather stay home all day, and never have to brave the jungle!!!