Tuesday, May 27, 2014

65 Court St and the UFT

 (Hope that is not dried up blood on floor)
 (21st Century Cooling System)
(Fake flowers and the cupless water cooler)

Mary was at 65 Court Street today waiting for her medical.  She was injured by a student in her school and needs time to heal.  Poor Mary was distraught. She spent over two hours traveling to Brooklyn while in severe pain.

Mary was talking to her UFT rep when I walked in the room.  She wants to give up teaching but can't afford to.  If she walks now, all the retroactive money she has earned will be forfeited.  She loses her pension and her health benefits.  She doesn't want to return to her school but can't even think about transferring until medical clears her and she is not even close to being medically ready to return to work.

The DOE offered Mary a return medical in August or September.  August would get her back in a classroom when the new school year starts but the UFT doesn't work in August and no one will be around to help her if she goes then.  September brings representation but it is late for school placement.

Mary was confused.  The UFT rep was of absolutely no help, minimizing the problems and telling her how lucky she was to be able to decide now whether she wanted September or October.  The UFT rep was also very unhappy with me when I put in my two cents about the awful contract and how I believe every working teacher should vote it down.  The UFT rep defended Mulgrew's refusal to debate as a debate indicates dissension and the union must be united.  The UFT rep said how lucky teachers were to get this contract as nothing better was available.  The UFT rep glossed over the issue of ATRs saying most would be placed and many had licenses in subjects no longer being taught.

Room 214, the medical waiting room at 65 Court Street is disgusting.  The walls are a drab shade of yellow and haven't received a new coat of paint since the building went up.  The floors look like they are covered in dried up blood haven't seen a mop this century and although there is a water cooler, the  only cups were the ones the UFT pulled out of her desk.  (She keeps them locked up to keep them from getting stolen.)

I was at medical accompanying a friend injured in the line of duty.  I did not write his story here.  I want to protect his privacy.  The DOE treatment of teachers is disgusting but the UFT's was even worse.  There was no help.  We left and another woman still waited for her medical.  A subway incident made her late.  The doctor punished her by making her wait extra long.  The UFT reps went home long before her turn came.


Anonymous said...

Excuse me, but they are all Dreck, Big fat Dreck with a captial D. No moral compass, no integrity no concept of the meaning of integrity.

What else can I say, oh yeah, we are on the edge of facism here. The twilight zone of a developed nation.
This must be American exceptionalism.

Anonymous said...

You kick ass P.O. I think that is cool you said that to the uft rep.

And I was at medical too when I was sent there in 2010...and yes.. I have experiences and stories from that..