In case I forgot to mention it during the last department meeting you attended, our mission is "To prepare students to success in College, Career or Life."And to test and retest and then test again so they may squeak by with a 65 in a subject they know nothing about.
Again, poor grammar--NOT "to success"
--to succeed! And, why the capitalization of college, career or... (Sorry, this is covering up that third c word.)
Tsk, tsk--ever heard of proofreading? (And don't you DARE blame your secretary! We teachers are wise to THAT trick!!!)
Clearly Mr. AP was never an English teacher....
He probably passed English with credit recovery courses. I remember the good old days where you had to write a decent essay to get a teaching license.
That's just another one of his missives I would crumble and file in the trash bin.
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