Saturday, December 31, 2011

Blame The Oncologist

The patient had a stage 4 cancer that spread throughout his entire body.  The oncologist did his best, but his best was not good enough and the patient died.  The oncologist got a U rating as was forced out of his job.

This did not happen.  Although the loss was hard, there was nothing the oncologist could do to save this patient.  Similarly, there are students that cannot be saved.  Closing schools and firing teachers will not help them. 


Anonymous said...

Good analogy..sad and harsh but still good analogy..

NYC Educator said...

Great commentary. Too bad so few get it.

Ms. Tsouris said...

Great analogy, PO'd. So few "get it" due to the thick and fast anti teacher propaganda from mainstream media and our imperial "representative democracy".

Mrs. Chili said...

This is it, exactly. Thanks.