Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Push In

I'm getting lots of notices lately concerning number of my students that have resource room. I make sure that they have extended time and try to get exams to their resource room teachers in advance so they can have all the time they are entitled to.

One of my students told me that instead of resource room, her teacher works as a push in during history. I asked how she got help in math and other subjects. The girl didn't know. I asked her what I was supposed to do about giving her extra time. Again, the student had no answer.

I just sent the following e-mail to the ISS AP, my AP, AP Guidance and AP Administrative Services. The ball is in their court. They better come up with a solution.

One of my students told me that her resource room teacher is a push-in
teacher in a history class and that she does not have resource in her

I am confused as to how to give her extra time on an
exam. My exam is scheduled for Friday so please advise me as to how to
handle this situation.

I love e-mail. There is no way now for them to accuse me of shortchanging her in the time department.


Anonymous said...

Don't you love these situations? I'm in a similar one in my school. I'm supposed to have a push-in for the 37.5 minutes because I have more (a LOT more) than 10 kids in the room, but since the push-in is the science and health teacher, she teaches make-up classes in health twice a week for kids who are in music during the health period. So I'm on my own three days a week with more than 10 kids.

How much of this does the admin KNOW is just done to look okay on paper?

Anonymous said...

Yo Miss!
You can file a grievance and either get another teacher to help you or get compensated for the days you were with more than 10 students.


JUSTICE not "just us" said...

What is happening to Special Education and ELL students in this city is a crime! They still have not filled my position in my school--Self-contained Special Education teacher of Spanish and I probably will never be back.

Anonymous said...

Hee hee, Schoolgal, you're funny! :D

Sonja said...

We are told to use the kids' lunch time for extended time - they can eat their lunch while working.'s also our lunch time....

Pissedoffteacher said...

You are entitled to a duty free lunch and should not be monitoring an exam during that time. The school is taking advantage of you.