Principal Suit to Young Ms. Math Teacher: Your lesson was fine. You hit all the good points. But, traditionally about 1/3 of these students fail. I would like you to think about how you will address this problem and get back to me. I don't need an answer today, but I would like one soon.
Ms. Young Math Teacher just shook her head. She has no answer, at least no answer she is willing to give Mr. AP. She is young and needs her job.
Some of the old math teachers had a few answer for him, however.
1. Why not program kids for classes they are capable of passing? Maybe then the results will be better.
2. Why not try getting students into the correct class on the first day of school, instead of the first day of the second marking period? Maybe without all the disruption, they can actually learn something.
3. Why not order a book that actually covers the curriculum instead of that crappy new Geometry book put out by Amsco that has no problems and no explanations?
4. Why not try smaller classes?
5. Why program every second of our day so that we have no time to work individually with students or call a parent?
6. Why don't we just pass them all so the results will be better?
Too bad he won't ask any of us how to address the problem. He's afraid of the answers we'd give him.
Supposedly Principal Suit is leaving on Monday. No one can figure out why he is doing this stuff!
Suit just likes to strut around and ruffle feathers. If he is really leaving for good on Monday, then Young Math Teachers should hand in those suggestions.
So who will be walking in a new suit?
POd, I love your blog. I seriously laugh every time I read the sarcasm. And I have to say that I admire aren't afraid to speak the anyone (or so it seems).
Dear Principal Suit...don't let the door hit you on the way out!!!
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