Saturday, October 02, 2010

Standing Alone

I put up my Tony Avella lawn sign--in a neighborhood of Republicans, I stand alone.  I'm proud to show my beliefs.


NYC Educator said...

I'd vote for Tony if I lived there. There aren't a whole lot of pro-teacher pols out there anymore. I didn't know there were Republican neighborhoods in NYC outside of SI.

Ms. Havisham said...

NYC Ed: Royal Ranch, a local upscale neighborhood, is all Padavan all the time. Almost every house has a Padavan sign on the lawn. Bayside is heavily Padavan and he has many lawn signs there too. Padavan is ahead of Avella, unfortunately, in the polls. TONY AVELLA FOR STATE SENATE!!! Thank you, PO'd!!!

Anonymous said...

Damn the Dems for not supporting him for mayor. And damn the union for not supporting him either. Their lack of support for any Dem gave Bloomberg a very slight margin win. In the past they have said they wouldn't support people who will lose, well this was the year to get behind pols who are not trying to destroy public education, and we would have won!!

btw, did you get your new copy of NYTeacher. Read the NYSUT letter from the president praising Duncan and using VAM to evaluate teachers and not one word on what it did to LA teachers. Oh, and I believe they are raising dues again.

Kim Hughey said...

I put up my Bill White for governor (Texas Democrat)sign this week. A scary thing to do in my new neighborhood. I bet my neighborhood is about 10 times more republican and radical than yours. And to tell you the truth, I've been a republican all my life, but some of these people scare me!

burntoutteacher said...

I met Tony Avella at a luncheon to honor the NYC Volunteer Mayors program (volunteers who do everything nice in the City, including providing a Santa Claus at the airport for the City's handicapped and poor students) when he was running for mayor. Someone told him I was a teacher and he came over and sat next to me and without prompting told me everything he thought was wrong with the KleinBloom system. I fell in love with him there and then and was so disappointed that he became merely a footnote in the election. I want a sign to put up on my lawn here in Brooklyn!!!!