Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Three of the Reasons I love Teaching

These three girls got up early on their day off to get extra help in calculus.


17 (really 15) more years said...

As annoying as they can get sometimes, the kids TRULY are the best part of this job.

JUSTICE not "just us" said...

You know I read about that principal that "bribed" his students to come to school for test practice during the holiday Christmas week. On the surface it seems like a great thing--kids giving up off time to study more and a principal and teaching staff "dedicated" enough to give up off time but I beleive it was ednotes who expressed it well;
I can not help to think that this just another way to prepare our students for the Brave New World of more work and less time off like the workers in China and India.

Don't get me wrong I beleive in a good work ethic but let us not forget that time off was won by unions because at one point in America, a hundred years ago, we lived to work and now we work to live. I guess we now have to be as lean and mean as Chinese and Indian workers but given the chance many of their more educated and skilled worker come to America and work hard in order for their children not to have to work as hard and have more time off--in other words to work so that can live and persue happiness.

Just something to think about even though I admire these kids.

Anonymous said...

awwww (i'm with the statement above)

Anonymous said...

actually, the first one. sorry. the second one has some truth to it too.

Pissedoffteacher said...

The only reward my kids got was some extra help. There was no bribery involved. The AP exam is in May and they are just worried about doing well.

I know my AP would kill me if he knew that I tell them all the time, that the test is not important, it is learning how to think that matters.

JUSTICE not "just us" said...

They are worried because they know that these exams determine their future--something my students have no clue about and their parents have not realized yet and some will when it is too late.

I know the immigrant and working class expierence.

and knowing you from your posts I know you would never "bribe" a student--ever!

Anonymous said...

Wow... Isn't this what we do all the work for?

CaliforniaTeacherGuy said...

It's ALL about the kids, isn't it?

EHT said...

If they drove themselves to school great. If their parents brought early I say bravo, and kudos to you for being there.

Pissedoffteacher said...

One drove herself and the other two took public transportation.

Anonymous said...

Yay!! Looks like we both have gotten reminders of why we do what we do this week! :) *hugs*