Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Might As Well Be In Paris

Library tutoring, what a joke, what a farce being played out. If my school was on television people would think the situations shown are too ridiculous to be true. Kids cannot get into the library because it is filled (funny, it does not look overly crowded to me.) The school should announce that tutoring is taking place in Paris. It would be just as inaccessible and much more exciting. Teachers are sitting in the back, during their C-6 assignment but no one is showing up. Kids go to the math office to complain. My AP says, "Mrs. POd, what do you want? Go teach in a small school. There are too many kids here, there is nothing I can do about it. All you ever do is complain."

My AP is right. I am always complaining. Tutoring in the library is not how I would choose to spend my time but if that is my job I will do it to the best of my ability. Today I tutored some kids in the hall. At least they could get to me there. It doesn't seem right that I can't help anyone and that no one will do anything to remedy the situation. I know I don't deserve the tirade he just released on me for trying to get something done to help the students.

The frustration builds. This must be a plot to get all us old teachers to retire. I'm aggravated but I will not give in. I'm not going anywhere.


JUSTICE not "just us" said...

There is no pride. There is no professionalism. Our kids in these schools will pay and have a poorer life both financially and intellectually for the harm that is being done today. What keeps me going is my stubborn belief that goodness can overcome indifference--someday!

Anonymous said...

Yes, yes. Keep that fist up. As much as you say your gen needs me, my gen needs you, too. Seriously.