Saturday, December 14, 2013

Feeling Nostalgic

I helped a sick friend administer the final exam to her class this week.  She is a good teacher, well liked.  As her students filed out, many said goodbye and told her to feel better, but some just handed in their papers and walked out.  It is the same in most college classes, an empty feeling as the students leave that last day.

This is one of the things I don't like about teaching college.  I grow to like my students in the short time they are with me, and I know most feel the same about me but, when that last day comes, it is goodbye forever. There is almost no way to know what happens after they walk out that door.

I miss the little mementos I used to get from my high school students.  No matter how ugly, or small, they all sit where I can see them and they make me smile as I gaze upon them often.  Now that I no longer work in the high school, I have many as my Facebook friends and know how they are getting on.

I will never forget the face of the girl who handed me the candelabra pictured above.  It is probably one of the ugliest things I have ever seen.  She was so happy with her gift.  She said she spent a long time finding me a perfect one.  And, I guess it is perfect, because I look at it and think about her all the time.

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