Thursday, July 18, 2013

Hot Hot Hot

I took a picture when the car thermometer showed 100.  I did it again at 101, 103, 104, 105, 108, 109 and 110.  Hell, we are in New York, not the deserts of Arizona or south Texas. 

The bitch inside me is laughing at the two friends who blew off our monthly retired teacher luncheon to go to a pool party.  These two whine in any weather that is not 70 degrees.  This is one time I am enjoying the pain of others.


ChiTown Girl said...

We are having the same awful weather right now. The heat index hit 105 today. I haven't been outside in days! Well, I DID go outside today because I had a dentist appointment, but I literally started my car from the house (I LOVE my remote starter!) so let the air run for a few minutes first, then RAN to the car. When we got there, we RAN into the office, then repeated the whole thing after the appointment. We've been sitting in the house ever since. I'm hoping once the sun goes down, I can go sit out on my deck for a while tonight. I need some fresh air!!

Anonymous said...

Unless it's an indoor pool with plenty of air conditioning, I wouldn't be going.

I made the mistake of buying a container of ice cream at my local supermarket. It was frozen when I left. Short walk to the car. Put the a/c on in the car. Drive to my garage-about a 5 minute drive. Unload the few bags of groceries. Take elevator to apartment. Open up ice cream--and it's already melted!!!

Ms. Tsouris said...

I carry insulated grocery bags in my car.... Trader Joe's sells a good, roomy one for under $10. The small silver ones are about $3-$4.00. I say save the ice cream at all costs!!