Sunday, August 31, 2008


We were at a street fair near Union Square today. There were plenty of Obama buttons and tee shirts for sale. I could only find one little button for McCain.

Street vendors want to make money. Is this a sign of who the city will vote for? Is this an indication of who our next president will be? Or, is this wishful thinking on my part?


Schoolgal said...

I would rather give my money to the Obama campaign directly.

On another matter:

Lily Tomlin I know would greatly appreciate it if your blog to bring attention to the plight of Jenny the Elephant who is suffering in the Dallas Zoo. The Tennessee elephant sanctuary is willing to take her, but Dallas officials have not been moved. I have contacted the mayor, city council and the zoo itself along with hundreds of others, and still Jenny suffers.

Here is some background information.

And, if you can get other bloggers to post this information and spread the word, it may help Jenny.

Pissedoffteacher said...

I'm with you--I sent my check directly to his compaign.

Anonymous said...

We were in New York City in mid July and noticed a variety of Obama t-shirts and only one McCain version. I wish it meant that Obama would win by a landslide but my husband said that all it might mean is that McCain supporters won't wear a t-shirt supporting anyone.