Some kids are just not ready to succeed when they are in high school. No matter what we do, how much help and reinforcement we provide, nothing helps.
But, many of these kids succeed. It just takes them a little bit longer.
Jan was a student of mine in a double period math A class in 2001. This class was probably the worst class I have ever taught. Nothing I did helped. They drove me to a sabbatical the following year.
"Worst class" needs clarification. These kids were not dangerous and were definitely not criminal. They were just immature ninth and tenth grade kids who did not want to be in school. As long as you didn't ask them to do any work, they were fine.
This class met for a double period. On test days, I would review the first period and then let them use the practice sheets on the exam. The kids who actually did the work succeeded. Most of them would scramble to copy the review sheets during the break but this never helped anyone.
Jan was one of my students that year. She was a sweet little girl, worked hard (or as hard as anyone could in that dysfunctional environment) and succeeded, but barely. I lost track of Jan after that year.
Yesterday I was in the emergency room with my husband. After filling out all his paper work I walked over to his bed and heard "Mrs. POd". I turned around to be greeted with "I was in your class." I couldn't place her until she told me her name and then the whole story came back.
Jan is now going into her fourth year at a good four year college. She is planning on becoming a chemistry teacher. She is also working full time in the ER as a nursing technician. I watched her all day. She's good at her job and she's a hard worker. And, she is another reason we should not judge people only by their high school performance.
They really do grow up and become functioning adults- thanks goodness some people (like you) have the wisdom and foresight not to write them off.
More importantly- is your husband ok? Aren't you leaving for Israel this week?
Husband is ok now but we have to cancel the trip.
Thanks for asking.
I'm sorry to hear that, but I'm glad hubby is ok.
Hope your husband is feeling better! Sending best wishes for his recovery.
Good story, btw -- I had a lot of Jans this past year.
I'm so sorry you had to cancel your trip!! I hope Mr. PO'd is better from what ever it is that ailed him enough to cancel your trip. I guess the only upside was running into your former student.
I hope you can reschedule this trip; I know how much you were looking forward to it.
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