Wednesday, November 07, 2012

Classes Resume

Monday was my first night back at the college.  (Classes resumed Friday.)  I was pleasantly surprised when only two students from my first class were out.  The kids came in with homework and enthusiastically embraced the new lesson.  One girl apologized for plugging in her cell phone (first time I ever heard that).  She said she lives in Howard Beach and her house is in pretty bad shape and there is no electricity.  She looked slightly shell shocked but was right on her game as far as the class was concerned.  Another boy nervously questioned me about what I thought would happen as he didn’t have an outline due in another class.  He said it was done, but he had no electric in his house and couldn’t get it printed.  I sure hope he has an understanding professor.

My evening class, a higher level class, had much lower attendance, but it was still more than I expected.  I got a frantic e-mail from a student stuck in Far Rockaway with no way to get to the school.  I told her to relax and take care of herself and her family first.  The work could be made up.

This term I lucked out with both classes.  It is great to teach kids who want to learn.

(Time Warner is still out.  Don't understand why there isn't even a mention of it in the news or in Newsday.  Posting from Photoshop class.)

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