This girl is a delight. She participates (although her answers are from outer space), she is friendly and always smiling. I hope both she and her parents saw her failure coming so the grade will not be a surprise.
The real educationally challenged people are the ones that told this kid, and ones like her to go to college. I don't know what high school she went to, but, I bet it was one with a supervisor who had to make AYP and got kids like this through by giving them answers. And then made themselves look better by sending these young people off to college, knowing full well that they will never succeed. They must know that what is in store for the child with the 70 IQ is heartbreak and disappointment. They've all gone through college and know what is expected to succeed. I've known administrators who have done this. These people make me sick.
It is a joke. They have destroyed all of the programs that taught kids that are not college material (a fact shockingly admitted to by His Highness) how to make a living and have a career. Not everyone is supposed to go to college, and they have doomed those students, and devalued the college degree. When this is all said and done, 100 years from now, they will know right where to look for who destroyed the educational system. As well as this country.
I'm with you, that's disgraceful.
Have fun in Florida!!
In my school district, next year's entering freshmen will
have to fulfill the University of California's A-G
requirements in order to receive a diploma. The district
is phasing out all non-A through G math courses,
leaving no safety net for students who are not college-
bound. (Oh, wait a minute, all students are college-
It is difficult being the one who has to burst the bubble of the parent of a special needs child. And it doesn't matter how old the kid is - do it younger and I'm destroying their hopes and dreams, do it when they're older and how could I wait so long to tell them these things???
The kids usually take the realization better than the parents - some are even relieved to have college slid off the plate.
I've lost track though of the number of parents over the years who leave in tears, calling me names when we discuss future options and I point out than students with IQs in the 40s, 50s, and 60s don't go to college successfully. A couple have even made their child take the ACT or SAT...which is pretty humiliating for all concerned but especially the child.
And like the earlier poster said, the programs for these kids have all but been destroyed. It's heartbreaking.
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