One of the most awesome students I have ever come across did not get into his first choice of colleges. But, the school told him that is he applied some additional information, it is possible they will change their minds and accept him. His guidance counselor told me this kid has overcome many obstacles to reach the point he is at today. Nobody is more deserving. Here's the letter I wrote. Let me know what you think. I told him I would do my best and I always keep my word.To Whom It May Concern:
When I think about all the reasons I do not want to retire from teaching one thing comes to my mind first, and that is the name Bobby Berson. In my over 35 year teaching career I have come across many amazing students but none can compare to this amazing young man.
Bobby is a student in my advanced placement calculus class, but in many respects Bobby is in a class all by himself. His motivation level surpasses that of any high school student I have ever encountered. He not only does every problem assigned, he does every problem he can find. He walks around with a math book in his hand and not only questions and works on problems he has already been introduced to, he goes ahead and unwraps the mysteries behind those problems he has not seen. Unlike other teens, he is not in a hurry to leave at the end of the day and he can always be found in the math office, or in my classroom, book and pen in hand, waiting to learn something new.
Bobby is not really in a class by himself. He is one of the most active students I have ever seen. There is a large group of students that constantly surround him as he explains what they could not grasp in class. He is never too busy to help although he is taking three advanced placement classes himself. When we cover a new topic in class, he goes online to find videos and other resources to make the subject easy to understand and posts links to these in a place everyone can easily access.
Bobby has a warm smile and a personality that lights up a room. He is loved by students and teachers alike. He is warm and outgoing and cares about everyone around him. Although he loves learning and school, he is not a geek whose only interests include school and learning. If I would have retired last year, as originally planned, I would never have met Bobby, and my life and my career would not be as rich as it is now. He is truly a remarkable young man.
Bobby would like to study engineering in college. As the wife and mother of two engineers, I know first hand the type of individual who will be successful in that field. I know the hard work and the intellect that is required and Bobby has both. Any school will be fortunate to have him as a member of their student body. I recommend him higher than I have ever recommended anyone in the past.
Awesome letter!!
When I was in school, we sent a lot of boys to the Naval Academy. The physics teacher (retired Admiral) was asked to write a letter for one boy who wanted to go to West Point. I don't know all of it (if I ever did) but I do know he concluded with "My only regret is that X wants to go to West Point instead of Annapolis" and the boy was accepted.
Yours is as strong!!
That is a wonderful letter.
Moving to read! You knocked it out of the park.
Beautiful letter. If they don't acccept him, they're making a huge mistake!
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