I heard the tutoring companies are getting $4800 per kid for Title I programs!!!! I really hope this is not true. Please, someone, anyone, write and tell me I heard wrong.For that kind of money each kid could be provided with a private teacher in their own homes.
What a crock of crap!!!
Hey Obama, if this is true, your Race To The Top stuff really stinks!!
Yep, that sounds about right. I suppose it would be hypocritical of me to complain too much about it, since I worked for one of those private companies for a while, and they were VERY generous when it came to my salary.
They could get private tutors for $2800 too, even if the tutors charge $80 an hour, kids could still get 35 hours of individual help.
That is essentially the idea. They can use a provider that goes to their homes. Maybe packemin h.s. should push that instead of trying to use its own teacher. A lot of money being invested into this program:
Tutoring is exactly what the funding goes toward - the majority of these tutors are teachers working nights and weekends; kids are getting 40+ hours in many cases of in-home, targeted support. Keep in mind, this sort of tutoring is targeted at low income kids in schools that have failed to make progress for 3 years in a row. The state determines which tutors are qualified to participate in the program. Why should we keep putting more title I money into schools that aren't working? How come only affluent parents get to provide their kids with support when the schools aren't working? Check out this site: www.tutorourchildren.org
My problem is the amount of money the tutoring companies get, not the amount given to kids.
I know it's big money here in California. A lot of places have opened recently in Fresno.
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