Sunday, August 31, 2014

The Plan

Imagine you are a 25 year veteran teacher who, until recently, has always been considered a very good teacher.  Your inexperienced newbie of an administrator has decided to rate you ineffective.  You need a plan if you are going to survive.

The incompetent administrator has handed you a plan to help you improve.  She really does not know the first thing about teaching, especially teaching your subject, but is quite good at intimidation and has mastered the art of making people believe she knows what she is doing.  Don't be fooled.  Make her go over the plan with you.  Insist she teach model lessons for you to observe.  In other words, make her work for her money.  And, most importantly, force her to show herself as the ineffective teacher she has accused you of being.


ChiTown Girl said...


On the one hand, it makes me feel a little better to know this kind of crap doesn't just happen here. But, at the same time, it infuriates me, because it shouldn't be happening ANYWHERE! Ugh! Hence my "retirement"...


Anonymous said...

Ha ha...

Excellent plan.
